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Get clarity in your Investment Analysis!

Investment Analysis Made Easy!Sorting through the various recommendations made by newsletters and stock market advisory services can be a tedious chore and leave many in a state of confusion.

We've developed Investor's Advantage to help you cut through the clutter and help you make clear investment decisions. More clarity for you, more profits.

Easier for you to make profitable Investment Analysis decisions

We've listened to our customers' suggestions over the years and made it easier for you to perform investment analysis with this powerful tool. Less time involved to make more money!

Chart Individual Stocks and General Market Trends

Now you can chart Individual Stocks and General Market Trends on your PC, using proven technical market indicators for superior investment analysis. You can spot market trends and capitalize on your analysis.

Relative Strength Reporting makes it easier for you to pick stocks.

You can generate a weekly or daily report of all the stocks that you track, sorted strongest to weakest by a strength rating. This rating is calculated based on the price performance of each individual stock. Easier for you to pick the RIGHT stocks. The more stocks you track, the better your chances of including the strongest stocks in your portfolio.

We provide you with investment analysis tools that provide you with an advantage over the rest of the investors. You can analyze stocks, mutual funds, indexes, commodites as well as overall market indicators. Our indicators make it easier for you to spot turning points in individual issues.

There are many indicators for individual stock analysis as well as overall stock market analysis. For determining individual issue turning points see: Stock Indicators. The primary tools to help you pick market turning points are the Daily Stock Market Barometer, Weekly Stock Market Barometer and the Relative Strength Analysis reports.

You will find a list of valuable Investment Related Books to further develop your investment analysis skills.

We know that you understand the value of continuing education in investing and you are constantly updating your skills and knowledge in this area. We cannot stress enough the value of a good deal of knowledge and having the right tools at your disposal. We know you will benefit greatly with the Investor's Advantage and that it will help you generate superior returns.

Start on your Road to Investment Profits and Order Investor's Advantage NOW!

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