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This selection is used to show you a visual representation of the price momentum of the selected stock or equity.

There will be up to three momentum lines plotted. The range of these momentum calculations are based on the figures that you entered under the Moving Average fields in the Equity Master record for the equity that is selected. Each momentum plot point is calculated by dividing the price at the point of calculation by the price of the time duration of the three moving averages. If, for instance, your Moving Averages are 11, 30 and 52. Then, the first momentum would be calculated by taking the price at the current plot position and dividing it by the price 11 weeks earlier. The second and third momentum calculations would use the price 30 weeks prior and 52 weeks prior to the current position, respectively.

If the momentum lines are moving above 1 and rising, then the price is gaining momentum. We want to watch first for the shortest duration's change, then the second longest duration's momentum change and, finally, the longest duration's change.

Review this chart each week along with the other charts to get the overall picture of what is going on in the market.

Momentum indiccators on Cascade Natural Gas Corp

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