Stock Market Barometer
This selection offers you a bird's eye view of the five major market indicators. These indicators are used in conjunction with one another to give you a perspective on the market in which you can determine market safety signals and danger signals. The more market signals that agree the more weight that you can give to that determination.
When the weekly signals are indicating the danger signals, you should be more cautious in your investment decisions. If the weekly signals are indicating the safety signals, your investments will have a better chance of being profitable.
In the next few sections we will be discussing the five major weekly signals and how they relate to the stock market as a whole.
The readout in the right hand column may be scrolled by using either the right/left arrows keys or the Right/Left tab keys. A vertical bar will move across your screen accordingly. The Arrow keys will move the readout 1 week at a time, while the tab keys will move the readout 10 weeks at a time.